

and directions

fresh whole milk



Amaretti biscuits

bitter cocoa


amaretto liqueur

sugar for caramelizing



5 spoons

100 gr

1 spoon


10 cl

4 spoons

Place in a bowl sugar and eggs, and with the help of a whisk form a creamy, smooth mixture.

Then add the cocoa powder, coffee, warmed milk, crumbled amaretti biscuits and Rum.

Stir until all the ingredients are properly combined.

At this point it’s time to prepare the caramel by heating the sugar in a saucepan until it melts and turns dark brown, be careful because this process happens very quickly, you don’t even know how many times I happen to burn it and do it all over again.

Add the caramel into the mold, let it cool a few minutes and then add the mixture you previously prepared.

Bake in a water bath in the oven, place the bunet mold inside a larger container filled up to 2/3 with hot water.

Bake at 150°C for about 40 minutes.

Once again let it cool in a water bath and only after it has cooled down put it in the refrigerator.

And it’s done, time to taste it.

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